Pro-Ject est un spécialiste de la platine vinyle Hifi. Il a aussi une gamme d'électroniques et d'enceintes très compactes. Au mois de mai, il a annoncé deux toutes petites enceintes Hifi, les Speaker Box 3E et 3E Carbon. Elles sont toutes deux de type bass-reflex, disponibles en blanc ou noir mat ou encore en habillage noyer. La première s'équipe d'un tweeter à dôme en soie de 19 mm et d'un boomer à cône en fibre de verre de 7,5 cm. Elle descend à 89 Hz. La seconde est légèrement plus volumineuse. Elle adopte des haut-parleurs de même taille, mais, cette fois-ci, la membrane du boomer est composite, mélangeant fibre de verre et de carbone, ce qui permet de descendre jusqu'à 83 Hz.
La Pro-Ject Speaker Box 3E est proposée à partir de 199 € la paire tandis que les prix de la Pro-ject Speaker Box 3E Carbon débutent à 299 € pour la paire.
Ci-dessous l'annonce en anglais, des spécifications et images officielles :
Pro-Ject are happy to introduce you to our new speakers type: Speaker Box 3.
Heinz Lichtenegger always dreamed of a full range audiophile micro speaker which is able to play all kinds of music. These are compact stereo speakers for every occasion!
Speaker Box 3E is our budget entry level compact speaker. Don‘t let the size fool you: This speaker is a powerful solution for your home cinema or mini HiFi stereo setup.
The Speaker Box 3E carbon represents our audiophile compact speaker solution. We equipped it with a cutting edge fiber glass carbon composite woofer and a carefully matched bass reflex port. This speaker will delight you with a highly detailed sound stage, with unmatched naturality and no colouration.
Speaker Box 3E is available from MSRP 199 € (incl. VAT).
Speaker Box 3E Carbon is available from MSRP 299 € (incl. VAT).
Speaker Box 3E
Speaker Box 3E Carbon
Size doesn‘t matter
The Speaker Box 3 E Carbon proves that a small speaker can sound big. Due to its compact size, the speaker is ideal for use as a desktop monitor, but also for home cinema systems. Wall mount brackets are available separately.
The speaker delivers an audiophile flat frequency response from 83 to 20.000 Hz with flawless details. Due to its small woofer diameter, it offers a great impulse response, resulting in a precise stereo image and depth. Bass frequencies are played easily with the help of the rear firing port. The voicing is quite open sounding without getting harsh at any time.
We recommend connecting it with an amplifier with an output power of at least 10 watts per channel. The Stereo Box S3 BT or MaiA S3 are perfect partners for this speaker.
The look of the Speaker Box 3 E Carbon is subtle but classy, allowing it to be included in any interior style. It is available in satin black and white painted, or real wood walnut veneer. Speaker grills in black are included in the box.